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Milk substitutes, Plant-Based Milk Options

Plant Based Milk Alternatives That Will Keep Your Family Healthy and Happy 

Make the Switch to Plant Base Milk

Making the switch

More and more people are making the switch to plant-based milk alternatives. And for good reason! Plant-based milk alternatives have been shown to protect you and your family from chronic diseases associated with dairy consumption. Plus, there are so many delicious plant-based alternatives to dairy milk products! From oat milk to soy milk to almond milk, there’s a plant-based milk out there for everyone. And don’t even get us started on plant-based yogurt, cream, and cheese! These dairy milk alternatives can enhance your cooking by keeping the flavors and textures that you crave in meals like mac n cheese, cakes, pies, and bread. So make the switch today and enjoy all the benefits that plant-based milk alternatives have to offer!

 Dairy Milk is not the only milk

If you’re like me, you grew up thinking that cow’s milk was the only kind of milk there was. I mean, it’s what comes out of cows, right? So it must be milk. As it turns out, I was wrong. There are all sorts of milk out there, and some of them don’t come from animals at all! That’s right, there are plant-based milk alternatives that can provide all the nutrition your family needs without any of the cholesterol or other health risks associated with dairy milk consumption. And they’re not just for people who can’t stomach lactose, either; plant-based milks can enhance your cooking to keep the flavors and textures that you crave in meals like mac and cheese, cakes, pies, and bread.

 Reasons to Switch

While cow’s milk has been a staple of the human diet for millennia, recent years have seen a growing trend of plant-based alternatives. Many people are turning to plant-based milks for a variety of reasons: ethical concerns about the dairy industry, environmental sustainability, or simply because they are lactose intolerant. But one of the most compelling reasons to switch to a plant-based milks is for the health benefits.

 Health Reasons for Plant Based Milks

Dairy milk is one of the leading sources of saturated fat in the western diet. Saturated fat has been linked to a host of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes. A 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who drank one or more glasses of dairy milk per day had a higher risk of death from any cause than those who drank no milk at all.

 Saturated Fats

Fatty Acids

Plant based milks, on the other hand, are much lower in saturated fat. Oat milk, for example, contains just 1 gram of saturated fat per cup, while almond milk contains even less. Another good choice is Soy milk, a good choice for those looking to reduce their saturated fat intake; although it does contain slightly more saturated fat than other plant-based milks, it also contains heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats.

 High Fiber and Low Sugar

In addition to being lower in saturated fat, plant based milks are also generally higher in fiber and other nutrients than cow’s milk. For example, almond milk is an excellent source of vitamin E and calcium, while soy milk is an excellent source of protein and vitamin B12. Another good option is Rice milk for those who are looking for a hypoallergenic alternative to cow’s milk; it’s also relatively low in calories and sugars.

  Why You Should Make the Switch to Plant Based Milks

There are countless reasons why you should make the switch to plant-based milk alternatives. For one, plant-based milk alternatives have been shown to protect you and your family from chronic diseases associated with dairy milk consumption. But that’s not all! Plant-based milk alternatives are also more sustainable than dairy milk products.

Agriculture and the Environment
Cow Manure

Animal agriculture is a leading driver of climate change, so by switching to plant based milks, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. Plus, there are so many delicious plant-based alternatives to dairy products! From oat milk to soy milk to almond milk, there’s a plant-based milk out there for everyone. And don’t even get us started on plant-based yogurt, cream, and cheese!

These dairy milk alternatives can enhance your cooking by keeping the flavors and textures that you crave in meals like mac n cheese, cakes, pies, and bread. So make the switch today and enjoy all the benefits that plant based milks have to offer!

    Making the switch to plant-based milks is a no brainer!  

Not only will you be protecting yourself and your family from chronic diseases associated with dairy dairy foods consumption, but you’ll also be doing your part to help the environment. Plus, there are so many delicious plant-based alternatives to dairy products! So what are you waiting for? Make the switch today and enjoy all the benefits that plant-base milk alternatives have to offer!

 Best milk alternative: plant-based options for smoothies, cereals and hot drinks

Fruit Smoothy

As newer milk alternatives become available there’s often no simple solution. It’s also easy for dairy companies to find the reason they’re promoting plant milk products. Those who suffer from lactose intolerant syndromes, dairy allergies, or inflammation can use the medications for their health reasons. Vegans often have ethical concerns as primary motivations, but many simply dislike cows milk. The resulting concern over the environmental impact is gaining traction in some circles as well as among some of the more prominent dairy companies. Livestock farming produces considerable quantities of methane This requires many vital assets.

Nutitional Benefits

Plant-based drinks offers different nutritional benefits, but most include calcium and protein. For the healthiest milk alternatives, we recommend you choose organic, non-GMO, and unsweetened plant-based milk whenever possible. Oat milk, Hazelnut milk, Cashew milk, Macadamia milk, Almond milk, Coconut milk, Rice milk, Hemp milk, Pea milk, Flax milk, and Walnut milk.  Each nut milk brand varies slightly, so we’ve provided general information on an original or unsweetened version of each plant-based milk.

Learn to use and make your own

Perhaps more challenging than heating cow milk, heating almond or other plant-based milks requires care, as they do not do as well when heated (proteins in the milks can change form when heated too high). If you enjoy the taste, coconut milk makes a pretty good base for frozen dessert, soup, cream sauce, or puddings. Plant-based milks offer an added benefit for the home chefs in the room. You can make nut milks yourself at home using milk, nuts, water, salt, a blender, jar, cheesecloth, and time – no farm animals required.

Caution GMO

Caution GMO

Today, over 80% of U.S. corn, soybean, and cotton crops are genetically modified. Two dozen countries, including the U.S., allow the cultivation of biotech crops, while much of Europe, Japan, and most of Africa remain opposed to genetically altered crops.

Tofu and Soy milk may have some health concerns

Tofu and soy milk are unfermented soy products that you may want to avoid. Soy is a phytoestrogen that contains isoflavones, a compound similar in structure to estrogen. Too much estrogen can lead to estrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalances; it’s even been shown to cause a “spare tire” around the middle


100 Percent Organic

Organic is a must with any plant based food. To keep your family away from chemicals and toxins that are used in commercial farming.


Pesticides are designed to kill living organisms, so it’s no surprise that they can be harmful to humans as well. Pesticide exposure has been linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer, neurological damage, and endocrine disruption.


Herbicides are chemicals that are used to kill plants. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most widely used herbicide in the world. Glyphosate has been linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and endocrine disruption.

Spraying Chemicals on fields


Fertilizers are chemicals that are used to improve the growth of plants. They can also be harmful to human health, as they can contain heavy metals that can contaminate water supplies and soil.

Soil erosion

Soil erosion

Soil erosion is caused by the wear and tear of rain, wind, and farming. It results in the loss of topsoil, which is the layer of soil that is most productive for plant growth. Soil erosion can also lead to water pollution and the loss of habitat for plants and animals.

 Types of Plant-based Milks

There are all sorts of plant-based milk alternatives on the market these days, so there’s sure to be one that suits your family’s taste. Here are just a few of the most popular types:

 Oat Milk

Oat Milk-Plant based milk alternative

One of the newest additions to the plant-based milk market is Oat milk, and it’s quickly become a favorite among health-conscious consumers. Oat milk is made from—you guessed it—oats! It’s rich in fiber and protein and low in fat, making it a nutritious choice for families looking for an alternative to cow’s milk. Plus, it has a creamy texture that makes it perfect for baking or enjoying as a glass on its own.

 Almond milk

Almond Milk-Plant based milk alternative

Almond milk has been around for awhile longer than oat milk, but it’s no less popular. Almond milk is made by soaking almonds in water and then grinding them up into a pulp. This pulp is then strained to create a creamy liquid that contains none of the fat or cholesterol of cow’s milk but all of the flavor. Almond milk is also a good source of calcium and vitamin E.

 Soy milk

Hands full of Soy beans- For Soy Milk -Plant based milk alternative

Soy milk is another popular plant-based alternative to dairy milk. Soy milk is made from soybeans that have been soaked and ground into a pulp before being strained to create a liquid. Soy milk contains more protein than cow’s milk but is also higher in fat. However, soy milk and other soy foods do not contain any cholesterol or lactose, making it a good choice for those with lactose intolerance or heart conditions.

 Rice milk

Rice Milk-Plant-based milk alternative

Rice milk is made by soaking rice in water and then grinding it up into a pulp before straining it to create a liquid. Rice milk is lower in calories than soy or almond milks but is also lower in protein. However, rice milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D.



With so many delicious and nutritious plant-based milk alternatives on the market today, there’s no reason to continue consuming dairy products that put your family at risk for chronic diseases like heart disease or cancer.

Whether you’re looking for an alternative to cow’s milk for health reasons or simply want to try something new, give one of these plant-based options a try! Your family will thank you for it.

There’s no reason not to make the switch to dairy-free milks

Not only will you be doing your part to protect your health, but you’ll also be helping to create a more sustainable future for our planet. So what are you waiting for? Pick up a carton of almond milk or coconut milk today!


The dairy industry crashed. The number of Americans consuming milk substitutes is increasing and this trend is expanding in variety. Does it make any difference? Is there any better way to make milk moo-free? If you think about milk cartons it may make your mind go on the happy cow or remind you of the milk ads.

Non-dairy milk substitutes

Non-dairy milk substitutes have little if no nutritional value and are packed with chemicals and additives. If you are going to consume these beverages, the least you could do is make them at home with organic and wholesome ingredients. The problem with most store-bought milk substitutes is that they are chock full of unhealthy ingredients like carrageenan, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats.

Plant based alternatives are vegan friendly

100 Percent Vegan

Unsweetened almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, macadamia nut milk, hemp milk and pea milk are all Vegan friendly. However, ensure to check nutritional values as they may vary from brand to brand. Do plant-based milks contain lactose? Lactose is a sugar naturally found in mammal’s milks. Plant based milk products are made from plants and therefore don’t have lactose in it. However, in case you are lactose intolerant, it is worth checking the ingredients of the products you are buying, just to be sure.

Plant Based Milk Nutrition Facts  

 One cup of almond milk contains:  

·         39 calories

·         3 grams of fat

·         1 gram of carbohydrates

·         1 gram of protein

·         0 grams of sugar

·         75% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin E

·         50% of the DV for calcium

·         25% of the DV for vitamin D


 One cup of soy milk contains:  

·         110 calories

·         4.5 grams of fat

·         7 grams of carbohydrates

·         7 grams of protein

·         1 gram of sugar

·          30% of the DV for calcium  

·          20% of the DV for vitamin A  

·          10% of the DV for vitamin B12  


 One cup of oat milk contains:  

·          130 calories  

·          2.5 grams of fat  

·          24 grams of carbohydrates  

·           5 grams of protein   

·           0 grams of sugar  

·           50% of the DV for phosphorus 

·           40%of the DV for manganese

 ·           25%of the DV for riboflavin    


 One cup of rice milk contains:   

·           120 calories

·            2 grams of fat

·            23 grams carboydrates

·            0 grams protein

·            11grams sugars 

·             Contains no calcium, iron, or Vitamins A,B12 or D  

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