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How to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication

The largest risk factor for death world wide is High Blood Pressure or Hypertension. If you’re one of the more than 1.2 billion people (14%) world wide with high blood pressure,(this number has doubled since 1990) you may be wondering how to lower it without medication. While medication is often necessary to manage high blood pressure, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to help lower your blood pressure naturally.

Here are some tips on how to lower high blood pressure without medication: – Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. – Limit your sodium intake. – Get regular exercise. – Maintain a healthy weight. – Limit your alcohol consumption. – Reduce stress. Making these lifestyle changes can help reduce your blood pressure and improve your overall health. If you’re struggling to make these changes on your own, talk to your doctor or a dietician about how you can get started.

The Lifestyle Changes You Need to Make

Making lifestyle changes can be difficult, but if you’re struggling to lower your blood pressure on your own, it’s important to talk to your doctor. They can help you create a plan to get started and give you the support you need to make these changes and learn how to successfully lower your blood pressure without medication. If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes as the first line of treatment. These changes can be difficult to make, but they’re important for reducing your blood pressure and improving your overall health. Some lifestyle changes that can help lower blood pressure include eating a healthy diet, reducing sodium intake, getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, and reducing stress. Making these changes can be tough, But with good information you can make changes to reverse this condition and improve your health.

Getting Started With Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a symptom of lifestyle and diet. High Blood pressure is common to people that are overweight, and can be linked to other chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. Most people know that salt or sodium is something that needs to be reduced, this is only part of the issue. Your diet as a whole needs to be examined and taken seriously.

A whole Food Plant Based Diet is the basis of how to resolve hypertension and reduce risk from Heart Attack and Stroke. Reducing weight and eliminating animal protein from your diet has been proven to eliminate the need for medication and also remove the harmful side effects of the medication. A Whole Food Plant Based Diet has no side effects. A plant based diet will help you lose the weight, naturally reduces sodium intake without the consumption of processed foods and meats. The lower BMI from weight loss your blood pressure will come to normal levels. All without side effects.

Common Side Effects from High Blood Pressure Medications

Beta Blockers:

  • Asthma like Symptoms
  • Cold Feet & Hands
  • Depression
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Insomnia

Ace Inhibitors

  • Dry Hacking Cough
  • Skin Rash
  • Loss of taste


  • Dizziness

Calcium Channel Blockers

  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Swollen Ankles

No body wants any of these side effects. The biggest problem with conventional treatment of hypertension is that the symptom is treated with medication and the root cause is not dealt with. Everyone knows that eating healthy is the answer, but the information from government agencies is often tainted by politics and industry pressure to keep consumption of unhealthy foods as part of the recommended diet. Eating healthy is actually very simple. Whole Food Plant Based, if you eat plants, they don’t kill you, they heal you. This is a much better alternative to constipation and headaches to treat hypertension.

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for a natural way to lower your blood pressure, diet is key. Eating whole, unprocessed foods will help you lose weight, which in turn will help reduce your blood pressure. This is the best way to lower your blood pressure without medication and without any negative side effects. If you have high blood pressure, diet is key. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, working with a registered dietitian can help you develop a plan to eat whole, unprocessed foods to lose weight and reduce your blood pressure.

** If you have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure or Pre-hypertension it is important to be monitored by a medical professional.

Hypertension facts

  • High Blood Pressure can increase yearly health expenditures by up to $2,500
  • USA annual average healthcare spending for hypertension healthcare and medication is $131 Billion
  • 20 percent of American adults have un-diagnosed High Blood Pressure
  • between 2 and 3 percent us American Children have Hypertension
  • As much as 10 percent of teens have prehypertension
  • High Blood Pressure is PREVENTABLE

Further reading

31 High Blood Pressure facts

Blood Pressure Medications Side Effects

Dr Greger – How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Lifestyle Changes

Dr. Greger – How Not to Die from High Blood Pressure

WHO – More than 700 million people with untreated hypertension

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