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Eggs,Promoting Cancer,Heart Disease, and High Blood Pressure
Eggs are the preferred staple of breakfast world wide,but for…
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, also known as brassicas, are a diverse family…
Ten Mushrooms for Health
Mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for…
Lions mane Mushroom -Super Food
Lions Mane Mushroom: A Nutrient-Packed Superfood with Health Benefits Lions…
The Complete Guide to Dandelion Root Health Benefits and Homeopathic Uses
Discover the Power of Dandelion Root for Your Health and…
Mushrooms – Superfood
Many people credit certain types of mushroom for helping in…
So starting to write this article I think back to…
Mark & Pernillas Basic Hummus (Oil Free)
Pernilla has developed a taste for hummus, and is eating…
The Health cost of Dairy
The real reason dairy is killing you, your family, and…
Water – Pollutants and Toxins on tap
Water is an essential in every day life and we…
The Toxins in Candles You Never Knew About
We all love candles. They make our homes smell nice…
How to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication
The largest risk factor for death world wide is High…
The situation is serious
The situation is serious, we can no longer close our…
Health Benefits of Organic and GMO-Free Food
and Why You Should Eat Them!   With all the…
Pernilla’s Lentil stew
Pernilla’s Lentil stew
Pernillas Healthy Living introduces their newest recipe: Red Lentil Curry…
Pernilla’s lentil curry in coconut milk
Do you like lentils? I do. They are healthy, filling,…
Plant-based Dinner Recipes from Pernilla’s Kitchen
I’m Pernilla, and I love plant-based cooking. In my recipes,…
Milk substitutes, Plant-Based Milk Options
Plant Based Milk Alternatives That Will Keep Your Family Healthy…
The real reason dairy is killing you, your family, and the planet
The real reason dairy is killing you, your family, and the planet
It is a Myth that dairy builds strong bones. Dairy…
Cancer – Reversing and preventing through diet
The prevalence of cancer has been growing at a very…
Plant Based Kung Pao
Pernillas Tofu Kung Pao Asian Inspired Kung pao with tofu…
Casein- Milk protein. The cancer question
Milk and cancer is a highly debated subject and answers…
If I can save one person’s life…
If I can save one person’s life… I have something…
Life is a program
I grew up in a pretty common Swedish family, my…
Feeling good is a choice
I have gone through life without understanding that feeling good is…
How to chose the right diet
How to chose the right diet. As I was writing…
The Beginning
Day 1 of the great transformation. For a long time,…

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